One of the strongest tools that we have at our disposal to address ongoing global health challenges is the power of human connection.
World EBHC Day in 2024 focuses on the need for greater intersectoral action beyond health to meet the challenges of a polycrisis, and taking action across the evidence ecosystem to build momentum to move from a confluence of crises to a confluence of change. We call on the global evidence community to share experiences and collective wisdom on using evidence-based approaches to take action for health and beyond.
We welcome your insights by submitting a blog or vLog for publication on the World EBHC Day website or holding an event from 16-22 October.
We invite organisations and individuals to submit a blog that shares their experiences, challenges, innovations, lessons learned, and promising failures in using evidence-based approaches to take action to build better evidence support systems in a polycrisis. Submitted blogs should address one of the three pillars which are listed in the World EBHCD Day Blog Author Guidelines.
Please refer to the World EBHC Day Blog Author Guidelines for the three pillars and possible topics, more information and expectations. There is a blog template which can assist you with meeting the criteria of the blog (it is not mandatory to use the template)
Submit your blog by 29 September 2024
Stories are compelling. Stories are personal. Stories humanise our experiences.
We would love to hear your stories relating to the World EBHC Day 2024 Campaign, Health and Beyond: From Evidence to Action, so please tell us yours in a short video (1 to 3 minutes). Your vlog will be published on the World EBHC Day YouTube channel, website and social media accounts. Vlogs should follow the World EBHC Day vlog guidelines and address one of the three pillars described in the vlog guidelines. Your vlog can be submitted in any language.
Following the World EBHC Day vlog guidelines, submit your video by 13 October 2024.

Let the world know if you have organised an event to celebrate World EBHC Day that is free and open to the public!
Whether your event is a webinar, X chat or in-person seminar, make sure you register your event, following the Event Guidelines by 13 October so that it can be displayed at World EBHC Day Events.
Also make sure you promote your event on social media using the hashtag #WorldEBHCDay and tag us @WorldEBHCDay
We understand that submitting a blog or vlog is not for everyone. If you would still like to get involved with World EBHC Day in another way, you are welcome to get on X, Instagram, LinkedIn, or your favourite social media platform and provide online support in raising awareness of World EBHC Day and the campaign to promote intersectoral and interdisciplinary discussion on taking evidence-based action to move from a confluence of crises to a confluence of change during a polycrisis.
Social media and digital graphics and a Social Media Toolkit are available for your use.
Getting involved with social media only will not qualify you to become an Evidence Ambassador, but it will lift the profile of World EBHC Day and highlight your own support in the evidence-based community!